Converting to Islam

Converting to Islam with QuranDoor Online Academy

Above mentioned obligations are an introduction of a Muslim’s relation to Allah SWT. Allah Almighty has given us detailed guidelines to live life. Our purpose is to learn these guidelines in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. As Muhammad Asad explains in his book Road to Makkah about the nature of Man’s life:

“Man is unable to explain to himself the mystery of life, the mystery of birth and death. the mystery of infinity and eternity. His reasoning stops before impregnable walls.

Only possible way that can give solution to all mysteries is religion Islam. It leads man, using an inner mostly intuitive experience to the acceptance of a unitary explanation of life.

Generally, on the assumption that there exists a supreme creative power.

that governs the universe according to some preconceived plan, above and beyond human understanding”

[Islam at the Crossroads:12,13]

Therefore, we must accept our state and status. Bowing before the greatest and the only one Creator Allah Almighty can answer all our questions.

(learn how to convert to Islam and what to say to convert to Islam here)